American Academy of School Psychology
Response to Report of the President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education
Fredrick A. Schrank, PhD, ABPP
Olympia, WA;
Rosemary Flanagan, PhD, ABPP
Rockville Centre, NY;
Jeffrey A. Miller, PhD, ABPP
Pittsburgh, PA;
Linda C. Caterino, PhD, ABPP
Tempe, AZ;
John Brantley, PhD, ABPP
Chapel Hill, NC;
David A. Utech, PhD, ABPP
Chicago, IL;
Mark E. Swerdlik, PhD, ABPP
Normal, IL;
Irwin A. Hyman, EdD, ABPP
Philadelphia, PA;
Ronald A. Davis, PhD, ABPP
Tempe, AZ;
The American Academy of School Psychology (AASP) consists of all holders of the
Diplomate in School Psychology awarded by the American Board of Professional
Psychology (ABPP). The AASP maintains a charge to promote the highest
professional standards in school psychology. In so doing, the AASP strives to
represent a balanced voice based on the views of very experienced professionals
who are broadly trained to blend scientific evidence with clinical experience in
school psychology practice.
The AASP is greatly concerned about certain aspects of the Report of the
President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education (hereafter called the
President's Commission Report or the Report) that propose drastic changes to the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This position paper represents
the views of the majority (92%) of members of AASP and its ad hoc committee on
this issue. We seek to clarify these concerns and offer our recommendation about
needed changes in IDEA.
The President's Commission Report recommends that the special education
identification process should be drastically changed, particularly in the area of
learning disabilities. Although we agree with the Report's emphasis on early
intervention to prevent academic failure, we are concerned with the Report's focus
on the shortcomings of an IQ or composite score in identifying the core processes
that cause learning problems. The Report's perspective on this matter appears to
reflect the thinking of only one constituency in a long, ongoing debate about the
nature, diagnosis, education and treatment of students with learning disabilities.
We assert that there is definitive evidence that children with bona fide learning
disabilities, as currently understood by most neurologists, psychologists and
researchers, have problems with typical academic learning. These problems may
be biologically-based and affect, in widely-varying degrees and patterns, the ability
to process, remember, and produce information. Further, the diagnosis of disability
and development of interventions in this area is complex and is dependent on the
scientific knowledge and practical experience of skilled practitioners. For example,
children with learning disabilities may have concomitant psycho-educational
problems such as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, behavior management
needs, and/or low self-esteem.
We contend that appropriately trained and knowledgeable school psychologists, often as part
of a multidisciplinary team, are needed to assess children, adolescents, and young adults with
potential learning disorders in order to determine the presence, nature, and severity of a
disability. Specific knowledge gained from the assessment provides a scientific basis for
recommended treatment and intervention plans. Assessment is a complex process that
requires multiple sources of information, including standardized, norm-referenced tests,
interviews, observations, curriculum-based assessments, and informed clinical judgment.
Because of this, we believe that some of the delimiting statements in the Report will be
damaging to the effective utilization of a comprehensive approach to the identification and
education of individuals with learning disabilities.
Use Norm-Referenced Tests Appropriately in Learning Disabilities
Assessment and Programming
The AASP believes that psycho-educational assessment, using psychometrically
sound norm-referenced instruments, is an important part of school interventions.
These are tests that have been nationally standardized on large numbers of
individuals to derive a measurement tool that is dependable and accurate. Reliable
and valid psychometric instruments provide documentation of both ability and
disability, assist in identifying needed services and interventions, and provide the
necessary benchmarks for yearly monitoring of academic performance. As part of
a comprehensive assessment, reliable and valid tests are necessary for an objective
understanding of the core psychological processes that influence learning. This is
known as cognitive assessment.
Cognitive assessment provides useful information about an individual's capabilities
including, but not limited to, an overall measure of general intellectual ability.
Rather than testing solely to obtain an IQ score, cognitive assessments should
more appropriately be used to identify the core processes or functions causing an
academic problem that are amenable to intervention or that require educational
accommodations. Importantly, norm-referenced documentation of limitations in
cognitive processing is required for legal protections and the provision of a
rationale for the need for accommodations. In addition, cognitive assessments
provide the link between identification of special education needs and
intervention plans. Students' strengths and weaknesses in cognitive abilities are
used to design specific academic interventions. Strengths and weaknesses in
different cognitive processes are linked to identification and treatment of specific
learning disabilities, including memory storage and retrieval, auditory processing,
processing speed, attention, abstract reasoning, and language development.
Finally, cognitive tests are useful for early identification of information-processing
weaknesses (such as a delay in auditory processing or phonological awareness)
that can lead to academic failure if left untreated.
Although not all referral concerns require norm-referenced assessment as a
precondition of intervention plans or instructional modifications, in order to qualify
for special education services, students should be evaluated on an individual basis
and objectively assessed for the presence and severity of intra-individual
differences in cognitive abilities, language capabilities, behavior, and areas of
academic achievement. Additionally, a comprehensive evaluation should include
multiple sources of information, including standardized, norm-referenced tests,
interviews, observations, curriculum-based assessments, and informed clinical
judgment. However, the core of a comprehensive evaluation is an accurate, norm-referenced
assessment of student strengths and weaknesses in a variety of
cognitive processes.
Eliminate the Mandated Discrepancy Formula but Not
Comprehensive Assessment
Many Fellows of the AASP are senior school psychologists who share an historical
perspective on the Education of all Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA, now
IDEA). In 1975, when the EAHCA was first enacted, many states reported
problems with establishing objective criteria for identifying a learning disability.
With the goal of establishing objective criteria for identifying children for services,
the criterion of a discrepancy between intellectual ability and achievement was
suggested in an effort to help make a distinction between children with learning
disabilities and those with other academic problems. From the outset, however,
the concept of an ability/achievement discrepancy was controversial. The criterion
has resulted in much dissatisfaction, particularly as it is interpreted in various state
statutes and implemented by local education agency practices. Today,
conceptualizations of the presence and nature of specific learning disabilities are
changing. The concept of an ability/achievement discrepancy has outlived its
usefulness and should no longer be used as a necessary condition for provision of
special services.
Broaden Rather Than Delimit the Tools and Techniques Available
To Diagnose Learning Disabilities
Based on the language suggested in the IDEA, many state regulations required
that determination of a learning disability to be dependent on a specific degree of
discrepancy between a child's intellectual ability and achievement. In many states
and local education agencies, this created a litmus test for identification of a
learning disability. In some local education agency practices, the presence of a
defined ability/achievement discrepancy was used as the sole, determining criteria
for service provision. As a consequence, these local education agencies have been
out of compliance with the intent of the federal legislation because they have
been using a single score to drive eligibility decisions (An ability/achievement
comparison between any two tests results in a single discrepancy score). In
contrast, the IDEA [300.541 (a) (3)] requires that a variety of sources must be
considered in making eligibility decisions. Thus, the sole use of a discrepancy
score, despite claims that it represents results from two tests, violates the
requirement that eligibility must not be based on a single test or procedure.
Consequently, the AASP recommends that the criterion of an ability/achievement
discrepancy should not be viewed as essential to qualify a student for services.
Many students with neurologically based learning disorders do not exhibit an
ability/achievement discrepancy. A learning disability can affect intelligence test
performance as well as achievement test performance. Scores on both ability and
performance measures may be lowered by the disability to the extent that there is
not a severe discrepancy between the two. Granted, however, an
ability/achievement discrepancy can sometimes be used to document a type of
intra-individual variability that may have educational implications. Alternatively,
other evidence of intra-individual variability in cognitive processing and academic
achievement, such as evidence of specific processing deficits that contribute to
lower ability and achievement scores, should be acceptable evidence toward
documenting the presence of a learning disability.
As experienced school psychologists, we believe the development of effective interventions is
dependent on a variety of approaches. Therefore we are always looking to broaden our
perspectives rather than to be bound by legislative mandates, which may reflect only one
particular methodology or interpretation of research. We caution that any single, mandated
method for assessing and diagnosing learning disabilities that excludes reliance on reliable and
valid assessments will be inadequate. Although alternative identification procedures have
been proposed (and we do not rule out their use to compliment other procedures), none has
achieved general acceptance in education or professional psychology. None of the proposed
alternatives meet the criterion of technical adequacy. Any alternative procedure that does not
include an emphasis on technically sound assessment will necessarily produce untoward
variability in service delivery due to reliability, validity, and administration problems. The
alternative procedures may be more likely to deny services to students with specific learning
disabilities while granting services to students who do not show evidence of special
educational needs. Ultimately, less reliance on comprehensive, norm-referenced assessment
procedures will lead to less specificity in regard to the nature of the learning problem and,
consequently, greater inequities in service delivery.
The AASP recommends that the current IDEA regulations remain essentially
unchanged. Most current disability classification categories in the IDEA are well-supported
by psychological diagnostic criteria. Further, we support the use of
norm-referenced cognitive assessments and complementary alternative measures
for determining special education program eligibility and program planning. We
also support the use of norm-referenced assessments of academic achievement
and complementary alternative measures to provide the necessary benchmarks for
yearly performance monitoring, as suggested in the Report. We recommend that
the ability/achievement discrepancy formula should be eliminated as a mandate.
Language should be included in the reauthorized legislation that discourages the
use of an ability/achievement discrepancy formula as the sole or determining
measure of the presence of learning disabilities. To wit:
The American Academy of School Psychology recommends
that the current IDEA regulations be reauthorized with
some amendments. In particular, we recommend that the
current regulations on criteria for determining eligibility
for students with specific learning disabilities
[300.540.541,542] should be amended to discourage the
use of an ability-achievement discrepancy formula as a
sole or determining measure of the presence of learning
September 17, 2002
American Academy of School Psychology Ad-hoc Committee
on the Report of the President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education
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